Malaysia one health university network

With over 17 universities and 4 government agencies, we provide national and regional capacity building activities, research, and continuous professional development for students and professionals across sectors and industries through collaborative multidisciplinary teams of experts

About Us

The Malaysia One Health University Network (MyOHUN), was initiated in 2012 as a part of the regional network of Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAHOUN).

Our Mission

To link and enable universities, government and relevant agencies to generate social and intellectual capital on One Health against infectious and zoonotic disease.

Our Vision

Network of social and intellectual excellence on One Health against infectious and zoonotic disease of national and global concern.

Value Proposition

Combatting zoonotic & infectious disease at their source:  MYOHUN is the longest serving national platform for building capacity of students, faculty, and professionals to work across disciplines and sectors for the improved response to One Health related threats.

One Health

One Health

One Health is an approach to healthcare that recognizes the interconnections between human health, animal health, and environmental health. It recognizes that the health of humans, animals, and the environment are interconnected, and seeks to address health issues at the intersection of these three areas. The One Health approach aims to promote collaboration and cooperation among different sectors and disciplines to address health threats that cross species and geographic boundaries. This approach is commonly applied in areas such as zoonotic diseases, food safety, and antimicrobial resistance.

One Health Quadripartite

The health of humans, animals, and the environment are interconnected and that efforts to promote health and prevent disease must involve collaboration among the four key sectors: human medicine, veterinary medicine, environmental science, and agriculture. These four sectors are closely related and their interactions have a direct impact on the health of people, animals, and the environment. Therefore, the quadripartite approach to One Health focuses on the integration and cooperation between these four sectors to achieve optimal health outcomes for all.
Credit :

Community Based Project




🌿 Discover the Connection: Human, Animal & Environmental Health! 🌿

Join the One Health Field Training program, a transformative 14-day intensive course held in Penang and the breathtaking Temenggor Lake Basin, home to one of the world’s oldest rainforests.

🔍 What You’ll Gain:
✔️ Hands-on experience in fieldwork, from setting camera traps to collecting samples.
✔️ Expertise in tackling zoonotic diseases, ecosystem health, and risk communication.
✔️ Interdisciplinary insights bridging medicine, wildlife, environmental science, and more.

📅 When: 1–14 July 2025
📍 Where: Penang & Temenggor Lake, Malaysia
💰 Fee: USD 1400 (inclusive of meals, materials, transportation, and accommodation!)

🎓 Certificates of Attendance and Completion await you. 🌟

👉 Register now and be part of the change! Click here to register

For inquiries: 📧
#OneHealth #FieldTraining #InterdisciplinaryLearning

Preventing Rabies, Protecting Lives

📣Join us in One Health Webinar

We would like to invite you to join us for the One Health Webinar titled: ‘Preventing Rabies, Protecting Lives’.

📅Friday, 8th November 2024
⏱7:30 pm – 10:40 pm (Malaysia Time)

Biosafety and Biosecurity Preparedness and Applications of the One Health Concept

The IMU Institute for Research, Development & Innovation (IRDI) is offering a CPD course on “Biosafety and Biosecurity Preparedness and Applications of the One Health Concept”. Join us for a 2-day workshop that includes experts from IMU University, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) Malaysia, the National Public Health Laboratory (MKAK) and University Putra Malaysia (UPM).

This workshop aims to provide the latest updates on biosafety and biosecurity regulations in Malaysia, with an emphasis on OneHealth concepts that involve human, animal, plant, and environmental health. Participants will be provided with information and training on appropriate personal protective equipment in laboratory and field settings, biocontainment and waste management, discussions on animal handling, risk assessment and reduction, and case studies on potential biosecurity risks in the Malaysian context.

Event Date : 21/11/2024 – 22/11/2024 (2 days)

Event Time : 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

Venue : 2.07 Level 2, IMU University, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur

Limited places are available. Book your place by registering here:

Special discount! 20% off for a group of 5 (from the same institution)

Should you require any additional information, please feel free to contact the Secretariat at +603 2731 7669 / 7668 / 7331 or

TikTok Competition: One Health – Impact of Climate Change on Health

Are you ready to make a difference and showcase your creativity?
Here’s your chance to raise awareness about one of the most pressing issues of our time and win amazing prizes along the way! 🎉🎥

🔥 Theme:
📅 Competition Dates: 30th September – 21st October 2024
🎁 What’s in it for you?

  • Top 3 winners will receive exciting prizes🏆
  • 5 more lucky participants will win consolation prizes! 🎉

Who Can Join?
This competition is open to all university students in Malaysia! No matter your background or field of study, if you’re passionate about HEALTH and CLIMATE CHANGE, this is for YOU!

Here’s How to Participate:

  1. Create a TikTok video on the theme: Impact of Climate Change on Health.🌍
  2. Make sure your video is NO LONGER than 3 MINUTES ⏱ and that your CAPTION is UNDER 50 WORDS.
  3. Post your video on TikTok – your account must be set to PUBLIC so everyone can see your brilliant ideas! 📢
  4. Tag us in your video: @ohscums (One Health Student Club).
  5. Use the hashtags: #OneHealthWeekUMS and #UMSOHSC in your post to be eligible.
  6. Submit your video link by 3 November 2024 – don’t miss the deadline!


Why Join?

  • Show off your creative skills! 🎨
  • Raise awareness about climate change and how it’s affecting health.
  • Get recognized for your ideas on a public platform.
  • And of course, WIN PRIZES! 🎁

Let’s make an impact together – one TikTok at a time! 🚀🌍

Call for Youth Participants: Regional Forum on “Innovations to Support Sustainable Livestock Transformation in the Asia and Pacific Region”

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is hosting a Regional Forum on “Innovations to Support Sustainable Livestock Transformation in the Asia and Pacific Region” in Khon Kaen, Thailand, from 12 to 14 November 2024.

They’ve just announced a Call for Youth Participants, which offers selected youth a fully funded invitation to the forum. This includes a round-trip economy air ticket, four nights of hotel accommodation, and daily subsistence allowances. It’s a unique chance for young people to gain knowledge, be inspired by leading experts, and share their perspectives on sustainable solutions.

The application deadline has been extended to 30 September 2024 (11:59 PM, Indochina Time), and we would like to help spread the word to ensure as many eligible youth as possible are aware of this opportunity.

RPHL Network Online Marketplace 2/2024

Join Us for the Regional Public Health Laboratory (RPHL) Network Online Marketplace 2/2024! on 9th August 2024 at 8:30 – 9:45 AM (Bangkok time) in topic: Key Regional Issues on Biosecurity

We are excited to announce the upcoming RPHL Network Online Marketplace 2/2024 focused on “Key Regional Issues on Biosecurity.” This is a crucial topic, and we look forward to engaging with experts and participants to discuss the latest developments and challenges in the region.

Registration is required! Complete your registration here:…/WN… or scan the QR code on the flyer below to access the registration portal.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and contribute to the discussion on biosecurity. We look forward to your participation!


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One Health Workforce Academies (OHWA)

A key product of our One Health Workforce-Next Generation project, One Health Workforce Academies (OHWA) helps strengthen global health security through training and educational activities aligned with One Health core competencies and technical skills.

Enroll online at:

All One Health Workforce Academies courses are free and asynchronous online, created in collaboration with our Global Consortium partners for the One Health Workforce-Next Generation project.


See less

3rd Gender VCoP Webinar!

Join Us for the 3rd Gender VCoP Webinar!

#SEAOHUN, in collaboration with #MyOHUN and #PhilOHUN, invites you to the third Gender Virtual Community of Practice (VCoP) Webinar titled “Advancing Gender Equity in One Health: Insights and Success Stories.”

📅 Tuesday, 6 August 2024
⏰ 10:00 – 11:30 am (ICT/ Bangkok Time) / 11am – 12:30pm (Malaysia & PH time)
🔗 Register at the QR code or here

This insightful session will feature esteemed experts from the Malaysia One Health University Network (MyOHUN) and the Philippine One Health University Network (PhilOHUN), who will share their valuable insights and success stories on advancing gender equity within the One Health landscape.

This webinar is open to regional students and early to mid-career One Health professionals across and beyond Southeast Asia. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage in this important dialogue and gain valuable insights! We look forward to your participation! 🌏💚

 Third SEAOHUN 2024 One Health Student Club (OHSC) Webinar!

Don’t miss the 3rd #SEAOHUN 2024 One Health Student Club (OHSC) Webinar!

On the 25 July 2024 at 4.00-5.30 PM (Bangkok Time) Hosted by: Vietnam One Health University Network & Thailand One Health University Network

Join passionate students and One Health enthusiasts from around the region as we dive into:

🔹 Future Workforce Preparedness: Learn about capacity building for the next generation of health leaders.

🔹 Community Resilience: Explore how student clubs in Vietnam and Thailand are enhancing their communities’ resilience to health threats.

🔹 Key Health Issues: Understand the current situation of Streptococcus suis and Antimicrobial Resistance in Vietnam, and prevention measures to reduce infection risks.

📌 Register now and be a part of the change: […/tZIvcu6upjgiG9wrhVZ8bkxoO2sP0…]

#OneHealth #SEAOHUN #VOHUN #THOHUN #HealthResilience #StudentWebinar #ohsc

CALL FOR APPLICATION – One Health Genomic Surveillance for Emerging Zoonotic Diseases

We would like to invite all the One Health Workforce (researchers, academicians, non-academicians, staffs of the public health laboratories and hospitals) to join us on this training with the aim of equipping the One Health workforce with skills and knowledge to conduct, develop and implement genomic surveillance programs for zoonotic diseases.

Application link:

Application Deadline: 12 July 2024

Biosafety and Biosecurity Preparedness and Applications of the One Health Concept Workshop

Join us at the Biosafety and Biosecurity Preparedness Workshop on August 21-22, 2024, at IMU University, Kuala Lumpur! Discover the latest biosafety regulations in Malaysia and gain hands-on training in PPE use, biocontainment, and waste management. Learn how One Health principles can safeguard human, animal, and environmental health. CPD points will be awarded.

Registration Fee (inclusive of SST):

  • Early Bird (by July 21, 2024): RM720
  • Regular: RM800
  • IMU Staff/Alumni/Student (Non IMU): RM560
  • IMU Student: RM400

Don’t miss out! Register now and secure your spot at

SEAOHUN 2024 Regional Students Competition Video Competition! [EXTENDED DATELINE]
Deadline extended_SEAOHUN 2024 RSC (2)

Exciting News! The SEAOHUN 2024 Regional Student Competition Deadline is EXTENDED

You asked, we listened! Now, you have until June 23, 2024 to submit your amazing 1-3 minute videos on “Inspiring Action for Wildlife Conservation, Zoonotic Disease Prevention, and One Health” and grab your chance to win a travel award to the Student Summit in Malaysia! 🏆🇲🇾

Who Can Enter:

✅Students from SEAOHUN member universities + Bangladesh, Brunei, Singapore, and India

✅ Teams of 4 students + 1 faculty mentor

How to Join: Form your team, create your video, and submit it!

📌 Scan or visit this link for more info: []

Missed out on the webinar about the competition? No worries! Watch it again here: []

Don’t miss this golden opportunity! Tag your friends, rally your team, and share your brilliant video ideas in the comments! Let’s make an impact together! #SEAOHUN2024#WildlifeConservation#ZoonoticDiseasePrevention#OneHealth

The countdown is on—let’s do this! 💪📽️

Global Leaders Group on AMR Information Session: A pocket guide for political decision-makers for integrated surveillance of AMR/U

The Global Leaders Group (GLG) on AMR consists of world leaders and experts from across sectors working together to accelerate political action on antimicrobial resistance, including surveillance and monitoring of antimicrobial use and resistance across all sectors. The GLG is chaired by H.E. Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados. Its functions are guided by an action plan and key performance indicators.

The GLG holds information sessions with stakeholders to promote dialogue and collaboration towards priority areas of action on AMR.  Integrated surveillance is a priority area for the GLG and a necessary part of the multi-sectoral response to AMR. As facilitated by the GLG Task Force on Integrated Surveillance and in coordination with the Quadripartite organizations, the GLG pocket guide for political decision-makers was launched in December 2023. It aims to show the need for, and identify actions to support integrated surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial Use (AMU) across sectors.

Register to the event by clicking here.

  • Prof Lothar Wieler – GLG member and facilitator of the GLG Task Force on Integrated Surveillance, Chair of the Digital Health Cluster, Hasso Plattner Institute and Prof of Digital Global Public Health
  • Chinyere Okoro – Quadripartite core team supporting the Quadripartite Technical Group on Integrated Surveillance
  • Pieter-Jan Ceyssens – Unit Head of Antibiotics & Resistance, Sciensano
  • Luc Samison – Director of the Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Mérieux and Professor at University of Antananarivo
  • Carolee Carson – Surveillance Manager, Analysis and Communication lead of the Canadian Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) at the Public Health Agency
  • Rungtip Chuanchuen – Professor, Department of Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Muna Abu Sin – Ambassador on Antimicrobial Resistance of the Federal Ministry of Health, Germany
  • Joakim Larsson – Professor of Environmental Pharmacology at the Department of Infectious Disease, Director of the Centre for Antibiotic Resistance Research, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Jaap Wagenaar – Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Utrecht. University, the Netherlands, Co-chair of the QTG-AIS.

Document: Integrated surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and use (AMU): A POCKET GUIDE FOR POLITICAL DECISION-MAKERS

WHO/PREZODE Quantitative Indicators for the Risk of Zoonotic Disease Emergence

Discover the latest advancements in zoonotic disease prevention at the WHO EPI-WIN Webinar on June 20th, featuring the unveiling of WHO/PREZODE’s innovative quantitative indicators. Secure your spot by registering here!


Call for Consultant: Identifying Barriers to Disease Notification
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We’ve launch a ‘call for consultants‘ aimed at identifying barriers to disease notification across the Asia-Pacific region, along with strategies for overcoming these challenges. The objective of this assignment is to generate understandings that will not only inform future capacity-building efforts but also bolster the WOAH reporting system and significantly enhance transparency in disease reporting throughout the region.

The consultancy tender has been published on WOAH regional website for Asia and the Pacific, as well as on X and the WOAH LinkedIn page ( We hope to extend the reach of this opportunity and encourage broader participation. 

The deadline to submit tenders is 24 June 2024 (1700 hrs Paris time). The link to access the consultancy details can be found at:

Feel free to contact Jacqueline ( and Paolo (, if you have any questions. 

CRDF Global (USA) Sponsored Cybersecurity Workshop for Critical Infrastructure Institutions in Malaysia and Thailand

Hurry! The clock is ticking! Enhance your cybersecurity prowess and safeguard your organization against state-sponsored ransomware threats. Reserve your spot now for our exclusive workshop on June 6, from 13:00-17:00 (GMT+8). Tailored for Southeast Asia’s healthcare and biotech sectors, this event is your opportunity to learn from CRDF Global experts.

Registration closes May 30:

Registration for the Collaborative “MSc in Global One Health: diseases at the human-animal interface or MSCGOH” is Open!

The Department of Biomedical Sciences of the Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp, Belgium (ITM) and the Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases of the University of Pretoria, South-Africa (UP) have the honour to inform you that: registration for the collaborative “MSc in Global One Health: diseases at the human-animal interface or MSCGOH” is open.

The MSCGOH will be offered as a 2-year blended programme (mainly web-based with optional face-to-face parts) and is designed to allow participants to combine work and study (partially done from your home). It contains the following components: a compulsory field workshop, 4 compulsory online core modules, advanced modules that you can choose (to support your specific career path) and a dissertation.

Timeline: 01/02/2025 – 31/12/2026

For additional info, admission requirements and registration

Registration deadline: 22/05/2024

DGD Scholarshipsdetailed info:

With the financial support of the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGD), the Institute of Tropical Medicine is able to offer scholarships to applicants from developing countries.

You can apply for the DGD scholarship, whilst applying for the course.

The admission requirements of the DGD scholarships:
  • Admission to the course
  • You’re less than 46 years old at the end of the course or at graduation
  • Citizens from any LMIC can apply. Applicants need to be both citizen of and actually living in a LMIC as defined in the OECD-DAC list of LMICs. A majority of scholarships, but not all, will be awarded to citizens from the countries defined as priority countries for DGD. The DGD priority country list includes: Benin, Bolivia, Burkina-Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cuba, DRC, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guinea, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South-Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, Zimbabwe.

13th Regional Congress Search for SEAMEO Young Scientist

🚀 Get ready to showcase your innovation! The 13th Regional Congress Search for SEAMEO Young Scientist is here. 🌟

📅 Date: 10-14 June 2024 🏢 Venue: SEAMEO RECSAM, Penang, Malaysia

📢 Final call for participation! Don’t miss your chance to win up to USD 1000 Seed Fund. Submit your project proposal by 26 February 2024.

📌 For more info, visit

📆 Great news for Malaysian Teams! We have extended the deadline for proposal submission to 5th March 2024. Don’t wait, register now and be a part of this amazing opportunity!


✨Greetings everyone ! 🤗✨

Announcement of the Establishment and Newsletter Publication of One Health Student Club (OHSC), Universiti Malaysia Sabah

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our second newsletter! 🚀

Established in May 2023, One Health Student Club (OHSC) is a new club at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Universiti Malaysia Sabah that emphasizes the One Health concept. This club is aimed to be a platform for students to share their interest in One Health and engage in activities that raise awareness about human, animal, and environmental health.

Our club had successfully released its first newsletter in September 2023 and now we are thrilled to share this joyful news regarding our second newsletter with you guys. Up until now, we have been organizing various interesting activities. Interested in learning more about our club?

Check this out !✨

SEAOHUN just launched “Call for Application” SEAOHUN 2024 One Health Scholarship 

🎓💡#SEAOHUN 2024 One Health Scholarship Program: Unlock Up to USD 5,000!

Elevate your research journey with the SEAOHUN #OneHealth Scholarship Program! 🎓 Receive a maximum grant of USD 5,000 for your Master’s or PhD research project and become a pioneer in holistic health solutions for your home country.

📆 Application Deadline: February 6, 2024
🔗 Download Call for Application at or scan QR code for more information.

What Awaits You in the 2024 Program:
✅ Empowerment: Shape the future of health by pioneering One Health research. Develop skills to tackle complex health challenges with a holistic approach in your home country.
✅ Eligibility: Open to citizens of SEAOHUN member countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam). Enrolled in a One Health-related Master’s or PhD program at a SEAOHUN member university.
✅ Financial Support: Receive up to USD 5,000 per scholarship for a transformative academic year. Cover essential expenses for your research project and make a lasting impact.

🌐 Join us in creating a healthier world! 🌍 Apply now and be a catalyst for change in your community.

#SEAOHUNScholarship #ResearchForChange #OneHealthEducation #ScholarshipOpportunity #SEAOHUN2024 #buildimmunityforhumanity

AFROHUN Student Photo Competition!

Join the AFROHUN Student Photo Competition and show us how climate change impacts YOUR community! 🌿🌊

🔗 Theme: “How has climate change impacted your community?”

🖼️ Visual Storytelling: Your photo should tell a story of the intricate dance between humans, animals, and the environment in the face of climate change challenges.

Deadline: March 29, 2024, 5:00pm EA. Exclusively for AFROHUN & SEAHHUN One Health Club members.

🌟 Win Big: Stand a chance to be celebrated at the AFROHUN 4th International Conference, April 24-26, 2024!

🌍 Be the Change: Your photo could inspire collective action. Let’s make a difference together! 💪

Visit for more information.

SEAMEO RECSAM Info Session 2 on 29 January 2024

Greetings from SEAMEO RECSAM, Penang!

We are excited to inform you that SEAMEO RECSAM will be organizing Info Session 2 on 29 January 2024, with the title Sharing Session on Project Proposal. 

Objective: The primary goal of this Info Session 2 is to inspire, educate, and empower young individuals to explore the intersection of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in addressing and promoting One Health initiatives. Through this Info Session 2, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of how innovative STEM approaches can contribute to holistic health solutions and encourage the active participation of youth in creating a healthier and more sustainable future.

The Info Session will be conducted as follows:

Dates: January 29, 2024 (Monday)

Time:  3.00 – 4.00 pm (GMT +8)

Mode: Online (via Webex)
Target participants: Secondary School Students/Teachers/Educators/Parents

Registration link: or scan the following QR code:


The deadline for registration is on 22 Jan 2024. Please find the enclosed brochure for registration.

We look forward to your participation in the upcoming event.


Ms. Shalaneeswary Muniandy                      +604-6522749

Ms. Noraini bt Daud                      +604-6522741

Thank you.

SEAOHUN 2024 One Health Awards: Reseach and Training

🌟 Exciting Opportunity Alert! 🌟 #SEAOHUN is thrilled to announce the opening of applications for the SEAOHUN 2024 One Health Awards: One Health Research & Training (OHRT)

Application Deadline: 19 Feb 2024

In 2024, we’re offering TWO tracks for the One Health Awards Program: Research & Training

🚀 Track A: One Health Topics
🦠 Track B: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Focus

Both tracks prioritize proposals that:
✅ Address specific One Health issues
✅ Develop innovative solutions
✅ Promote multi-sector or multi-discipline collaboration
✅ Present a feasible work plan

💰 Up to $10k is up for grabs for each stream under Track A or B!
🔍 Eligibility criteria and application details can be found at:
Seize the opportunity to make a difference in One Health research and training. Apply now and be part of the positive change!
#SEAOHUN2024 #OneHealth #OneHealthforAll #SEAOHUNOHRT #OneHealthRevolution #OHRTAwards #supportresearch #OneHealthResearchandTraining

CALL FOR APPLICATION: One Health Online Courses Development for Malaysia

Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) is a regional network of over 102 universities in 8 Southeast Asian countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. SEAOHUN advocates the role of universities to a) build the capacity of professionals across sectors to solve complex One Health issues, b) conduct research for evidence-based decision-making, and c) assist governments with public health surge capacity.

Southeast Asia One Health Workforce Academies (SEA-OHWA) is an online platform offering competency-based training, and continuous professional development under the SEAOHUN Transition Award (TA) project supported by USAID. This platform has adopted the concept from the One Health Workforce Academies (OHWA) developed by the USAID One Health Workforce – Next Generation (OHW-NG) project. SEA-OHWA is designed to expand access and promote local expertise within the SEAOHUN member countries’ specific contexts. Therefore, courses and materials in SEA-OHWA encourage the content in local languages, catering to frontline health professionals, students in health-related disciplines, and One Health interested individuals.

To enrich the offerings of the SEA-OHWA platform and provide a broader range of educational online resources to its learners, SEAOHUN is extending an invitation for proposals to create One Health online courses for the SEA-OHWA platform. SEAOHUN invites proposals from individuals, organizations, or agencies to create One Health online courses for the SEA-OHWA platform. These courses will encompass a comprehensive array of online learning components, such as course materials, lecture videos, animation videos, interactive learning elements, case scenarios, role-play exercises, assessments and quizzes.

Objective: To create One Health course for the SEA-OHWA that addresses contributes to specific needs and priorities of One Health workforce in Malaysia.

Priority areas for Malaysia: One Health Workforces Beneficiaries survey and the One Health Core Competencies Assessment survey revealed the following gaps and needs in One Health domains:

  • Infectious disease managements
  • Outbreak investigation and response
  • One Health epidemiology and
  • One Health risk analysis.

SEAOHUN encouraged the applicants to focus on those priority areas in their application though it is not limited only to those areas. These courses should incorporate a wide array of online learning components, encompassing course materials, lecture videos, interactive learning elements, case scenarios, role-play exercises, quizzes, and the establishment of passing scores.

Download full concept note here:

SAVE THE DATE: Webinar on Why Youth Voices Matter in Fighting #AMR!

We are thrilled to invite you to a special webinar on the significant role of youth in combating Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) happening on 24th November 2023 at 09:00h CET (Central European Time, check your time zone:

The session, titled ‘Why Youth Voices Matter in Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)?,’ is a special event of the Global AMR Youth Summit, and will feature esteemed panelists from the #Quadripartite organizations and representatives of the Youth Working Group for AMR. It’s a unique opportunity to engage in discussions, gain insights, and explore how the youth can contribute to the global efforts against AMR.

We’d be honored to have your presence and valuable insights during this crucial discussion. Your perspective will add immense value to the conversation.
Save the date and join us for this pivotal discussion on AMR and the impact of youth engagement. Please also share this opportunity with your network!

To join the webinar, please use this zoom link:
Looking forward to your participation!

Date and Time: 24th November 2023 at 09:00h CET (Central European Time)

Rx One Health 2024 Applications Open!

The 2024 Rx One Health Field Institute welcomes you to join us!  Explore California’s vibrant and diverse ecosystems while building One Health skills!  The 2024 theme is One Health for a Changing Climate.

LEARN about biodiversity conservation, pathogen transmission, health inequities, epidemiology, disease surveillance, communications, community and stakeholder engagement, teamwork, leadership, and more while immersed in a variety of biodiverse landscapes.

GROW through hands-on, practical learning experiences, case studies, group discussions, and field exercises. Rx One Health will teach you how to address complex challenges using the One Health approach, which recognizes that the health of people, animals, and their environments are interconnected.   The course is led by faculty from the University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, School of Medicine, and the University of California Global Health Institute, Center for Planetary Health.

BUILD lifelong friendships and professional connections.  Our alumni network extends around the world. Participants often reflect that Rx One Health was a transformative experience in their career trajectory.

Applications are now open and are due January 31, 2024.  The course is open to graduate students, professional students (MD, DVM, JD, RN, etc.) and early career professionals from all professional disciplines (including medicine, public health, veterinary medicine, agriculture, animal science, international development, laboratory science, environmental resources, wildlife conservation, law, engineering, social sciences, etc). International applicants are welcome to apply; additional COVID-19 travel protocols may be required.  

A limited number of partial and full scholarships are available!  Learn more here!

OHWA Courses Now Available On-Demand

Dear One Health Colleague:

One Health Workforce Academies’ (OHWA) mission is to promote the development, delivery, institutionalization, accreditation, and employer-recognition of training and educational activities that are in alignment with One Health core competencies and technical skills.

As part of this mission, we have developed a publicly accessible website to provide high-quality, readily available training materials and resources to engage and support One Health students, faculty, and practitioners.

We recently completed our pilot phase where we engaged nearly 3,000 learners representing 85 countries. Thank you to all who participated! To meet diverse learner needs more effectively, we have shifted to an on-demand model and are pleased to announce that continuous access is now available to all our educational resources.

Our online courses and case studies are designed for completion by learners who aspire to acquire One Health competencies. These resources serve as continuing professional development for in-service professionals working in various One Health sectors, and are also suitable for students pursuing professional, graduate, and undergraduate degrees. Additionally, our Facilitator and Field Guides are offered as resources to One Health educators in classroom and field-site settings.

Enrollment is open, and access will be granted immediately upon enrollment. There are no prerequisites, and participation is free.

Course titles include:

Fundamentals of One Health Practice

One Health in the World

Outbreak Investigation and Response

Antimicrobial Resistance in One Health: Introductory Level

Antimicrobial Resistance in One Health: Advanced Level

Gender and One Health

Risk Communication & Community Engagement

Introduction to Epidemiology

An Introduction to Grant Writing

Introduction to Health Care Quality and Quality Improvement

Preventing and Addressing COVID-19

Virtual Communities of Practice

You are invited to explore our full catalog at: One Health Workforce Academies.

We look forward to your participation.


Woutrina Smith, DVM, MPVM, PhDProject
DirectorUSAID One Health Workforce – Next Generation

Oladele A. Ogunseitan, MPH, PhD
Training and Empowerment Objective Lead
USAID One Health Workforce – Next Generation
MyOHUN Membership (APPLY NOW!)

🌟 Join MyOHUN Today! 🌟

Are you passionate about One Health and ready to make a difference? Become a part of the MyOHUN network by signing up for membership!

✅ How to Apply:
1️⃣ Download the membership form from our website (
2️⃣ Fill out the form, get it signed by your proposer and seconder, and make your payment.
3️⃣ Upload the completed form and payment receipt via our Google Form (scan the QR).

💰 Membership Fees:

Ordinary Membership: MYR 100 (First-time: Registration Fee + Annual Fee)
Life Membership: MYR 500 (One-time payment)
Associate Membership (Institutions): MYR 300 (First-time: Registration Fee + Annual Fee)
📢 For first-time applicants: Make sure to pay both the registration and annual fees.

🔗 Visit MyOHUN website for more details and to get started!
📧 Need help? Contact us at

Let’s work together to strengthen One Health efforts in Malaysia and beyond! 🌍✨

Malaysia One Health International Conference

✨Save the date!🗓️✨

Celebrating a milestone in MyOHUN’s journey-Get ready for the Malaysia One Health International Conference happening on the 18th – 21st July 2025 in Putrajaya, Malaysia.

With the theme “One Health in Unity”, the conference will serve as a timely platform to exchange ideas, reflect on recent progress and achievements in empowering One Health workforce and stakeholders in the country to address wicked, complex One Health challenges.

Stay tuned as we share more details soon. 🌳🐈🦮👫 #usaid #seaohun #myohun #onehealth #internationalconference2025

MyOHUN Annual General Meeting II

We are pleased to announce MyOHUN Annual General Meeting II for invited members, scheduled for November 22, 2024 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UPM.

For those unable to attend in person, we will provide a hybrid platform to ensure everyone can participate and we look forward to your valuable contributions.


Join Our Team! We’re hiring an Executive Officer!

If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, we want to hear from you!

📅 Apply by: October 25, 2024
📧 Send your resume, required form, and any relevant files to:

Don’t miss your chance to make an impact! ✨

MyOHUN Annual General Meeting!

Join us for the MyOHUN Annual General Meeting on November 22, 2024. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details coming this October!


Greetings from Malaysia One Health University Network (MyOHUN)!

MyOHUN proudly presents a transformative 3-day experience: ‘In-situ One Health Problem-Based Learning on Animal, Wildlife, and Ecosystem Health,’ happening from 2-5 May 2024.

Set against the backdrop of Bahang Bay Hotel in Teluk Bahang, Penang, this event is perfect for nature lovers. We’ll focusing into a diverse range of topics, spanning from environmental and animal to human health.

Feel free to share this program with anyone who might share our passion for One Health! Scan the QR code to register. Registration closes on 26th April 2024.

For detailed information, please contact:
(En. Shafik) +603 9769 3479 /
(Dr. Hasliza) +603 9769 3417/

Celebrating Minggu Kesedaran Kerintangan Antimikrob (WAAW) Peringkat Kebangsaan 2023 & Pelancaran Pelan Tindakan Kerintangan Antimikrob Malaysia (MyAP-AMR) 2022 – 2026

Let’s all come together to celebrate Minggu Kesedaran Kerintangan Antimikrob (WAAW) Peringkat Kebangsaan 2023 & Pelancaran Pelan Tindakan Kerintangan Antimikrob Malaysia (MyAP-AMR) 2022 – 2026 on the following details:

🗓️ Date: 18 November 2023 (Saturday)
📍Location: IOI Grand Exhibition & Convention Centre, IOI City Mall, Putrajaya
🕒 Time: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Guest of Honor: YB Dr. Zaliha Mustafa.

Various exciting activities await you, including:
✅Jom Zumba
✅Mini Petting Zoo
✅Klinik Veterinar Bergerak
✅Vaksinasi Kucing
✅Cat Passport & Microchipping
✅Pertandingan Mewarna (4 – 12 tahun)
✅Bual bicara perkongsian pengalaman pesakit AMR

To book your mobile vet clinic appointment with the Department of Veterinary Services WPKL (DVSWPKL), simply scan the QR code or click on this link

Make sure to stop by the MyOHUN booth! We’ve got an exciting surprise waiting for you. See you there!


Welcome to the team, Dr. Farhan!

We’re thrilled to have you on board as we work together to advance One Health. Your expertise and passion will play a vital role in our mission.

Prof. Dr. Latiffah Hassan Joins Global Lancet-PPATS Commission on Prevention of Viral Spillover

Official Announcements,
The Lancet and the Coalition for Preventing Pandemics at the Source has convened a commission on the prevention of viral spillover. The Lancet-Preventing Pandemics at the Source Commission on Prevention of Viral Spillover is led by three co-chairs and consists of 28 experts from multi-disciplinary backgrounds from the Global North and South. The goal is to draw global attention to the topic and deliver a major report on viral spillover prevention in two-three years.

We are very proud to announce that one of the Co-Chair is our very own National Coordinating Office of Malaysia One Health University Network (MyOHUN) Coordinator, Prof. Dr. Latiffah Hassan.

Congratulations Prof Latiffah! We hope this will pave way further for future involvement and recognition of One Health experts within the region at the global level. This is a remarkable achievement, and we are so proud of her. We hope that this news will serve as an inspiration to all our members and beyond. It demonstrates the incredible impact that dedicated individuals can have on global health and the well-being of our planet. We look forward to supporting her in this vital work and continuing to promote a One Health approach for a healthier world.

More information about the Commission and the recent announcement can be found

One Health Young Leaders and Communicators Program

The MyOHUN One Health Young Leaders and Communicators Program is now open for registration to undergraduate students and limited to 6 participants only. This program, which has been conducted for a number of years, is of great benefit to undergraduate students in enhancing their leadership skills and capabilities in One Health as future leaders in the One Health Workforce.The objectives of the program are as follows:

a. To enhance One Health knowledge among the young leaders
b. To establish sustainable networking for future One Health Workforce
c. To improve leadership and understanding about One Health who embrace the interconnectedness of multiple disciplines.

The Program costs RM900 (USD210) and will include accommodation and all meals throughout the program. Travel expenses are not included.

Please feel free to share this announcement among your friends and colleagues and those who might be interested. The program is also open to international participants as well. For more information, please refer to the attachment. Deadline to register is 25 May 2023.

One Health Field Epidemiology Training Program: An Introductory Course

Attention all public health and epidemiology professionals! Join us for an unforgettable week of active and interactive learning at the One Health Field Epidemiology Training Program from June 11th to June 16th at the stunning Promenade Hotel Kota Kinabalu Sabah.

Our experienced trainers and speakers will guide you through engaging hands-on exercises and real-world case studies designed to enhance your skills and expertise in epidemiology, public health, and the One Health approach.
But that’s not all – you could also network with a multidisciplinary group of like-minded professionals, sharing ideas and insights to help tackle the most pressing public health challenges of our time.

Don’t wait another minute to sign up for the One Health Field Epidemiology Training Program! This program will fill up quickly, so don’t delay – Scan the QR code below and register now to secure your spot!

Apply before: 29th May 2023
For detailed information, please contact En. Shafik at +603 9769 3479 ( or Dr. Yap Wei Boon (

Report of Activities

Our Regional Partners

Our Global Partners

Contact Us

National Coordinating Office (NCO),
Malaysia One Health University Network (MyOHUN),
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

+603 – 9769 3476 / 3477 / 3478

MyOHUN is supported by the U.S Agency for International development Emerging Pandemic Threats 2 program