Lead Researcher:
Dr. Low Van Lun, UM
Prof. Dr. Sazaly Bin Abu Bakar. UM
Dr. Chandrawathani Panchadcharam, Department of Veterinary Services
Dr. Maria Lourdes Lardizabal, UMS
Project Summary
Information on the filarial fauna in black flies and the host preferences of blood-feeding blackflies in Malaysia are unknown. We aim to uncover the prevalence, infection pattern and dynamics of filarial parasites in animals, humans, and blackflies. We also focus on new species discovery of blackflies given that the fauna of blackflies in Malaysia has not been fully discovered. To date, two species of black flies were collected by Malaise trap, one of which is new to science and to be formally described and named was discovered from Pahang. Raining season is affecting the distribution of black flies which has affected the numbers of blackflies collected by malaise trap. Light trap and animal bait will be used in the next sampling to overcome the problem. The filarial fauna and host preferences of black flies are yet to be determined.