Dissecting One Health Core and Technical Competencies

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The Dissecting One Health Core and Technical Competencies was held at the Ixora Hotel, Penang, from 16 until 19 August 2022. The training began with welcoming remarks by MyOHUN Deputy Coordinator, Dr. Nur Indah Ahmad. The program then continues with an interactive session delivered by Dr. Aida Muhid, Senior Director, Division of Disease Control and Veterinary Biosecurity from Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) on animal health diseases outbreak management in Malaysia. Forty-two participants from various institutions and field expertise, including the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA), PERHILITAN, the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS), the Ministry of Health, and universities, attended the training to share their strategies on prevention and control of zoonotic disease through the lens of One Health. Incredible speaker, Dr. Hume Field from EcoHealth Alliance was also invited to share his knowledge and experiences on the topic of Disease Outbreak Management virtually. The 3-day program was filled with questions and queries from participants and active discussion among facilitators, speakers and participants made the program more beneficial. MyOHUN hopes that the training made an impact in creating a more prepared health workforce managing disease outbreaks in Malaysia.