Rabies Outbreak – One Health Field Training Exercise

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The Rabies Outbreak – One Health Field Training Exercise was organized from 16th to 18th August 2016. The program took place at the Grand Margherita Hotel, Kuching for lectures and group works, and in the District of Lundu for field training exercises. 100 participants were involved in this training mainly from universities, Ministry of Health, Department of Veterinary Services, Indonesian Ministry of Health, and VOHUN. On the first day of the workshop, participants were first introduced to the One Health concept and some examples of Rabies Outbreak inside and outside Malaysia. While on the second day, participants were divided into 6 groups consisting of 3-4 trainers, 5 observers and 5 students in each group. These groups were assigned to different locations around the Lundu District with different scenarios of Rabies outbreak. Six field scenarios were conducted in six different locations which were;
  1. Land Border area with Kalimantan at the Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) Biawak
  2. Semantan Health Clinic (KK Sematan)
  3. District Hospital, Lundu
  4. District Health Office, Lundu
  5. Sarawak Health Department
  6. Ladang Dafa, Lundu
On third day, the students presented the outcomes from the field exercise and requested to incorporate technical and core competencies deemed appropriate in dealing given scenarios. By the end of the workshop, participants gained awareness of the importance of early detection of the outbreak. What’s more it is always best to maintain good communication with neighboring counterparts especially if they are working near borders