SEAOHUN Fellowship Program Round 2!

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We are excited to announce the launch of the SEAOHUN Fellowship Program. This Fellowship will provide an excellent opportunity for qualified individuals to gain practical, trans-disciplinary experience and contribute productively to One Health related projects at several host organizations. Eligible applicants must be current graduate students or faculty members under age 40 from One Health related fields and must be the citizens of SEAOHUN member and expansion countries; Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Bangladesh. Applicants must have professional competency in spoken and written English. Priority will be given to requests for transdisciplinary fellowships. A monthly stipend of approximately $1,500 per month will be provided and round trip economy class airfare. The fellowship must be at least 3 months, not longer than 5 months, and completed by December 31, 2017. Important timeline:
  • Applications must be received by April28 th, 2017 (5pm, Bangkok time)
  • Successful applicants will be notified by May 9st, 2017
Please access this link for more detail and the application form: For inquires and application submission, please contact: Ms. Jutamart Jattuchai (May) Project officer, SEAOHUN Foundation at Only six fellowship will be funded in 2017, so please help us spread the news about this great opportunity!