From 29 th until 31 st January 2019, Protecting First Responders Against Zoonoses in Disaster Management was held in The Bangi Resort Hotel. The activity was conducted over the course of three days to develop a user-friendly guide for multi-agencies first-responders to protect them against zoonoses in disaster management using One Health approach.
Twenty experts attended the activity to brainstorm and write chapters to be incorporated in the manual. Since the activity was a continuation from the previous year, the draft of the manual
l has already been laid off, hence on a little bit twitch and twist needed to be made. The activity successfully developed 6 chapters range about the precautions needed to be taken by the first-responders pre-deployment to the various diseases background that may exist in the disaster area. The manual is expected to be published later this year, which will be after the simulation activity that scheduled in April this year.