MyOHUN organized health promotion and education for village folks on the prevalence of Plasmodium Knowlesi in 2 separate phases. Cameron Highland was chosen to be the location for the first phase of the activity, which was from 4 to 6 September 2020. Five villages were visited, and more than 130 samples of slides were taken for Blood Film for Malaria Parasite (BFMP). The second phase was done in Kg. Air Banun in Belum from 18 to 21 September 2020. More than 150 samples of slides were taken for BFMP. In total, 39 multidisciplinary background university students were involved in this activity, and 285 villagers were interviewed and approached for education and health promotion and blood samples. This activity, headed by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Abdul Rashid, is expected to publish a paper on the seroprevalence and KAP related to Plasmodium Knowlesi Malaria.