Short Bio
She graduated in Bachelor of Environmental Science in 2003 from the Faculty of Environmental Studies of Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). After graduating, she began working as a Research Officer under Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Subsequently, under the USM she furthered her Masters in Science (Pharmacology) in 2007. Her research area is to study the effectiveness of honey in reducing menopausal syndrome using laboratory rat as a model. The study found that honey is effective in reducing the effects of hormonal changes on the reproductive system and bone osteoporosis in the rat model. After obtained the masters degree, she pursued her doctoral study in 2012, in the field of toxicology to study the disruptive effects of bisphenol A as endocrine disruptive chemicals (EDCs) on the reproductive system. The study also revealed the effectiveness of local honey and herbs in reducing the effects of EDCs on the reproductive systems. Throughout the study, several publications have been published as journal articles and awarded as best poster presentations at the international conference (third place). Both her graduate studies are sponsored by UPM and the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. After completing her doctorate, she has served as a senior lecturer at UPM until to date. At UPM, she continued her research interests in the field of toxicology, natural products and reproductive systems. Currently, she has several research projects related to the effects of microplastic and cadmium on the reproductive system. The research projects involving a number of postgraduate and graduate students. She is also involved in teaching courses related to toxicology, health, environmental biology, and more.