Short Bio
1. Ex-staff of the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS Malaysia) (1991 – 2012)
Food Safety:
2. Food Auditor for Veterinary Health Mark (VHM) Food Processing Plants and Slaughter House in Malaysia and Abroad
3. Trained in HACCP-based Veterinary Inspection ( DVS and FSIS, USDA)
Animal Diseases Control:
4. Involved in Nipah Outbreak in 1998/99 (DVS Johor)
5. Avian Influenza Simulation Exercise
6. Ex-Lecturer of UMK (2012 – 2016)
Animal Production and Health:
7. Experiences in Broiler and Hatchery Industry (ex-Chareon Pokhand staff), Sheep integration (ex-NAFAS staff), Padang Hijau Dairy Farm, Johor (Temporary staff DVS)